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Adapt currently supports the following tasks -

The following techniques are supported to adapt any model for the above mentioned tasks -


LoRA (Low Rank Adaptation)

LoRA is a Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) technique that optimizes AI models by introducing low-rank matrices to adjust the weights of pre-trained neural networks. This approach allows for significant improvements in model performance with minimal additional parameters, making it an efficient method for customizing AI models for specific tasks without the need for extensive retraining or computational resources.

Argument : method = "LoRA"

Parameter Value (Datatype) Default Value Description
r int 8 Rank of the low-rank approximation.
alpha int 16 Scaling factor for LoRA adjustments.
dropout float 0.1 Dropout rate for regularization.
target_modules Modules within the model targeted for tuning.
fan_in_fan_out bool False Whether to adjust initialization based on fan-in/fan-out.
init_lora_weights bool True Initializes LoRA weights if set to True.

SSF (Scaling and Shifting your Features)

SSF adjusts the scale (multiplication) and shift (addition) of features within a neural network to better adapt the model to specific tasks or datasets. By applying these simple yet effective transformations, SSF aims to enhance model performance without the need for extensive retraining or adding a significant number of parameters. This technique is particularly useful for fine-tuning pre-trained models in a more resource-efficient manner, allowing for targeted improvements with minimal computational cost.

Argument : method = "SSF"

DoRA (Weight-Decomposed Low-Rank Adaptation)

DoRA decomposes the pre-trained weight into two components, magnitude and direction, for fine-tuning, specifically employing LoRA for directional updates to efficiently minimize the number of trainable parameters. DoRA enhances both the learning capacity and training stability of LoRA while avoiding any additional inference overhead.

Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
r integer 16 Rank of the low-rank approximation.
alpha integer 8 Scaling factor for LoRA adjustments.
dropout float 0.1 Dropout rate for regularization.
target_modules list The names of the layers for which peft modules will be created
fan_in_fan_out boolean False Initializes DoRA weights if set to True.

Argument : method = "DoRA"

QLoRA (Quantized Low Rank Adaptation)

QLoRA (Quantized Low-Rank Adaptation) is a sophisticated Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) technique designed to enhance the adaptability and efficiency of pre-trained AI models with minimal computational overhead. It achieves this by applying quantization strategies to the low-rank matrices used in the LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) method, significantly reducing the memory footprint and computational requirements. This approach allows for the efficient customization of models for specific tasks or datasets while maintaining or even improving performance. QLoRA is particularly useful in scenarios where computational resources are limited, offering a balance between model adaptability, performance, and resource efficiency.

Arguments :

  • method = "LoRA"
  • load_in_4bit = "True" (for 4 bit quantization)
  • load_in_8bit = "True" (for 8 bit quantization)

Q-SSF (Quantized SSF)

Quantized SSF applies quantization to scaling and shifting parameters, enhancing model efficiency with minimal fidelity loss. This approach reduces memory and computational demands, ideal for resource-constrained environments, maintaining accuracy while improving performance.

Arguments :

  • method = "SSF"
  • load_in_4bit = "True" (for 4 bit quantization)
  • load_in_8bit = "True" (for 8 bit quantization)

Quantization Parameters for QLoRA/Q-SSF

Model Quantization is achieved via BitsandBytes module.

4 bit Quantization

Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
load_in_4bit bool True Load model in 4-bit precision.
bnb_4bit_compute_dtype str 'float16' Compute data type in 4-bit mode.
bnb_4bit_quant_type str 'nf4' Quantization type for 4-bit precision.
bnb_4bit_use_double_quant bool False Use double quantization in 4-bit mode.

8 bit Quantization

Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
load_in_8bit bool False Load model in 8-bit precision (only for float16/bfloat16 weights).
llm_int8_threshold float 6.0 Threshold for LLM int8 quantization.
llm_int8_skip_modules Modules to skip during LLM int8 quantization.
llm_int8_enable_fp32_cpu_offload bool False Enable FP32 offload to CPU in int8 mode.
llm_int8_has_fp16_weight bool False Whether the model has fp16/bfloat16 weights

Full Fine-tuning

This method updates all parameters of a neural network. This method is generally inefficient to run as it uses a lot of computing power to update all parameters of the given model.

Arguments :


Last Layer Tuning

Tuning the last layer is a popular technique in which all the layers of a model, except the last few layers are frozen i.e. their gradients are not updated during training. This method is generally used while finetuning a model trained on a huge generalized dataset (Imagenet) for downstream tasks. Arguments :



Common Training Parameters

The wide variety of tasks and algorithms supported in Adapt have several parameters that are common across all tasks/algorithms and some parameters that are specific to a particular task/algorithm

Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
DO_TRAIN bool true Flag indicating whether to perform training
DO_EVAL bool true Flag indicating whether to perform evaluation
NUM_WORKERS int 4 Number of worker processes for data loading
BATCH_SIZE int 16 Batch size for training
EPOCHS int 2 Number of epochs for training
OPTIMIZER str adamw_torch Optimization algorithm (sgd,adamw_torch,paged_adamw_32bit)
LR float 1e-4 Learning rate
SCHEDULER_TYPE str linear Type of learning rate scheduler(linear,constant) Supported Schedulers :
  • Object deteciton, Instance Segmentation, Pose Detection -
    • CosineAnnealingLR
    • LinearLR
    • MultiStepLR
  • NLP Tasks, Image Classification - All huggingface schedulers
WEIGHT_DECAY float 0.0 Weight decay for optimization
BETA1 float 0.9 Beta1 parameter for Adam optimizer
BETA2 float 0.999 Beta2 parameter for Adam optimizer
ADAM_EPS float 1e-8 Epsilon value for Adam optimizer
INTERVAL str epoch Interval type for checkpointing (e.g., epoch)
INTERVAL_STEPS int 100 Steps interval for checkpointing
NO_OF_CHECKPOINTS int 5 Number of checkpoints to save during training
FP16 bool false Flag indicating whether to use FP16 precision
RESUME_FROM_CHECKPOINT bool false Flag indicating whether to resume from a checkpoint
GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS int 1 Number of steps to accumulate gradients
GRADIENT_CHECKPOINTING bool false Flag indicating whether to use gradient checkpointing
SAVE_METHOD string 'state_dict' The method in which the model will be saved (Values - 'full_torch_model' : Saves the model as a .pt file in full precision, 'state_dict' : Saves the model state dictionary, 'safetensors' : Saves the model weights as safetensors (Advisable for huggingface models) ,'save_pretrained':saves the model as a folder using huggingface's save_pretrained method (Only supporte for huggingface models.) )

Text Generation

Parameter Data Type Default Value Description
packing bool True A boolean indicating whether packing is enabled or not.
dataset_text_field str 'text' The field in the dataset containing the text data.
max_seq_length int 512 The maximum sequence length allowed for input text.
flash_attention2 bool Fasle Argument to indicate whether to use flash attention or not (Warning - most of the models don't support flash attention which might lead to unexpected behaviours)

Text Classification

Adapt supports

  • Token Classification :
    • Named entity recognition (NER) : Find the entities (such as persons, locations, or organizations) in a sentence. This can be formulated as attributing a label to each token by having one class per entity and one class for “no entity.”
    • Part-of-speech tagging (POS): Mark each word in a sentence as corresponding to a particular part of speech (such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.).
    • Chunking: Find the tokens that belong to the same entity. This task (which can be combined with POS or NER) can be formulated as attributing one label (usually B-) to any tokens that are at the beginning of a chunk, another label (usually I-) to tokens that are inside a chunk, and a third label (usually O) to tokens that don’t belong to any chunk.
  • Text Classification : Classification of given text into 2 or more classes (examples - emotion recognition)

Parameter Data Type Default Value Description
subtask str None The specific subtask associated with the model ("ner" ,"pos", "chunk", ). If subtask = None, then the task is classic text classification


Parameter Data Type Default Value Description
MAX_TRAIN_SAMPLES int 1000 Maximum number of training samples
MAX_EVAL_SAMPLES int 1000 Maximum number of evaluation samples
max_input_length int 512 The maximum length allowed for input documents.
max_target_length int 128 The maximum length allowed for generated summaries.
eval_metric str 'rouge' The evaluation metric used during training and evaluation (options: 'bleu', 'rouge').
generation_max_length int 128 The maximum length allowed for generated text during prediction.


Parameter Data Type Default Value Description
max_input_length int 128 The maximum length allowed for input sentences.
max_target_length int 128 The maximum length allowed for translated sentences.
eval_metric str 'rouge' The evaluation metric used during training and evaluation (options: 'sacrebleu', 'rouge').
source_lang str 'en' The source language for translation (e.g., English).
target_lang str 'ro' The target language for translation (e.g., Romanian).
PREFIX str example -'translate English to Russian: ' For multi-task models like t5, prefix is attached during specific tasks

Question Answering

Adapt support span detection in question answering.

Parameter Data Type Default Value Description
MAX_TRAIN_SAMPLES int 1000 Maximum number of training samples
MAX_EVAL_SAMPLES int 1000 Maximum number of evaluation samples
max_answer_length int 30 The maximum length allowed for the generated answers.
max_length int 384 The maximum length allowed for input documents.
doc_stride int 128 The stride used when the context is too large and is split across several features

Image Classification

Parameter Data Type Default Value Description
load_model bool False A boolean indicating whether to load a pre-trained model.
model_path str "densenet121" The path or identifier of the pre-trained model to be loaded.
model_type str 'densenet_timm' The type of the loaded model (e.g., 'densenet_timm').
image_processor_path str 'facebook/convnext-tiny-224' The path or identifier of the image processor configuration.

Object Detection

Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
BEGIN int 0 The epoch from which the learning rate scheduler starts
END int 50 The epoch at which the learning rate scheduler stops
T_MAX int 0 Maximum number of iterations. (Exclusive Parameter for CossineAnnealingLR scheduler)
WAMRUP bool false Flag to indicate whether to use wamrup iters or not
WAMRUP_RATIO float 0.1 The ratio of (wamrup learning rate)/(real learning rate)
WARMUP_ITERS int 50 The number of warmup iterations
MILESTONES list [] List of epoch indices in increagin order where the LR changes (exclusive parameter for MultiStepLR scheduler)
GAMMA float 0.1 Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay.
amp bool False Automatic mixed precision training.
auto_scale_lr bool False Enable automatic scaling of learning rates.
cfg_options bool or dict None Additional configuration options for the MMDET model. If True, it indicates the default options should be used.
train_ann_file str 'train.json' Annotation file for training in COCO format.
val_ann_file str 'val.json' Annotation file for validation in COCO format.
checkpoint_interval int 5 Interval for saving checkpoints during training (in epochs).

Instance Segmentation

Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
BEGIN int 0 The epoch from which the learning rate scheduler starts
END int 50 The epoch at which the learning rate scheduler stops
T_MAX int 0 Maximum number of iterations. (Exclusive Parameter for CossineAnnealingLR scheduler)
WAMRUP bool false Flag to indicate whether to use wamrup iters or not
WAMRUP_RATIO float 0.1 The ratio of (wamrup learning rate)/(real learning rate)
WARMUP_ITERS int 50 The number of warmup iterations
MILESTONES list [] List of epoch indices in increagin order where the LR changes (exclusive parameter for MultiStepLR scheduler)
GAMMA float 0.1 Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay.
amp bool False Automatic mixed precision training.
auto_scale_lr bool False Enable automatic scaling of learning rates.
cfg_options bool or dict None Additional configuration options for the MMDET model. If True, it indicates the default options should be used.
train_ann_file str 'train.txt' Annotation file for training containing all the image names in train folder (without the extension)
val_ann_file str 'val.txt' Annotation file for training containing all the image names in test folder (without the extension)
checkpoint_interval int 5 Interval for saving checkpoints during training (in epochs).
class_list list [] List containing all the classes in the segmentation task
palette list [] List of Lists containing the RGB value for each class

Pose Detection

Parameter Datatype Default Value Description
BEGIN int 0 The epoch from which the learning rate scheduler starts
END int 50 The epoch at which the learning rate scheduler stops
T_MAX int 0 Maximum number of iterations. (Exclusive Parameter for CossineAnnealingLR scheduler)
WAMRUP bool false Flag to indicate whether to use wamrup iters or not
WAMRUP_RATIO float 0.1 The ratio of (wamrup learning rate)/(real learning rate)
WARMUP_ITERS int 50 The number of warmup iterations
MILESTONES list [] List of epoch indices in increagin order where the LR changes (exclusive parameter for MultiStepLR scheduler)
GAMMA float 0.1 Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay.
amp bool False Automatic mixed precision training.
auto_scale_lr bool False Enable automatic scaling of learning rates.
cfg_options bool or dict None Additional configuration options for the MMDET model. If True, it indicates the default options should be used.
train_ann_file str 'annotations/person_keypoints_val2017.json' Annotation file for training in COCO-Pose format.
val_ann_file str 'annotations/person_keypoints_val2017.json' Annotation file for validation in COCO-Pose format.
checkpoint_interval int 5 Interval for saving checkpoints during training (in epochs).